Install Security Hub

Create a configuration file

sudo mkdir /etc/securityhub 
sudo nano /etc/securityhub/conf.toml

And enter the following configuration

domain = "{your_instance_DNS_NAME}"

clientID     = "{your_client_ID}"
clientSecret = "{the_secret}"
redirectURL  = "https://{your_instance_DNS_NAME}/authorize"
scopes       = ["openid", "email", "profile", "offline_access"]
provider     = "<>" if using AzureAD
platform     = "AzureAD"
domain_alias = "{domain_alias}"

autocert = true

Below are a few special configuration tricks if you need them:

4️⃣ Run

Logged in your instance, type

sudo apt install ./{sec_hub_package_name}

# for example
# sudo apt install ./{sec_hub_package_name}.deb

your instance is accessible at {your_instance_DNS_NAME}